Outreach UK and Outreach Calendars unite for more effective evangelism

Outreach UK and Outreach Calendars are joining forces to reach even more people for Christ.

Outreach Calendars provides scriptural calendars for churches to put through letter boxes. The calendars include a link to a blog where they can make entries, take part in polls or contact Outreach UK evangelists who will respond to them via email.

For those wanting to engage in deeper conversations about their faith, Outreach UK is offering training to help evangelists develop their Gospel presentation and communication skills.

"Although Outreach UK was founded in 1874, we are still primarily active in the business of making Jesus known and equipping the local church to be able to reach their own community with the Good News of the Gospel," explains Trevor Dickerson, Outreach UK’s Liaison Manager.

David Cottington, Outreach Calendars Managing Director, said: “Our aim is to resource churches and organisations by providing affordable, effective pre-evangelism outreach materials for use within their area.

“We want both God’s Word and the local church to be accessible to the average person in the community. Importantly, support bases are being put into place.”

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