Over 10,000 Worldwide Baptists Ready to Join BWA Centenary Congress

The latest figure for the total number of people who will be participating in the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) Centenary Congress at the International Conference Centre (ICC) in Birmingham, England tops 10,000 according to the Thursday Edition of the Baptist Times.

Demonstrating the diversity of the Baptist family, the attendants will cover a wide spectrum of nationalities, with a total of 107 countries represented, including the UK, US, Korea, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Australia, Canada, Sierra Leone.

The upcoming BWA Centenary Congress will run from 27th-31st July to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the BWA founded in 1905 in London. BWA also holds a five yearly Congress and is commented by many as being a life changing experience.

This time, apart from the UK contingent of more than 3,000, the largest single group, comes from the United States, at more than 1,400. Bookings from India total 474 so far, with Korea and Nigeria accounting for more than 440 each.

Janice Dando, chair of the UK team organising the Congress said to the Baptist Times, due to registrations from across the world, the number of full-day visitor passes available has to be limited.

The daily schedule of the Congress commences with Bible study in the morning led by top Bible teachers from around the world such as Tony Campolo. Former US President Jimmy Carter has been invited to lead the Bible study on the Sunday morning.

Despite the preparations for the programmes and welcoming international guests, prayers remain as an essential part that the Baptists emphasise for the Congress.

For more than five years British Baptists led by David Coffey, incoming BWA president, and Janice Dando, chair of the Local of the Arrangements Committee, have prayed for the Congress. The special prayer topics of the BWA are as follows:

- visas for people from around the world
- strength and wisdom for Local Arrangements leaders
- many more volunteers from churches
- leaders and speakers for God’s wisdom
- the revival for which President Billy Kim has asked us to pray

For the details about the Congress, please visit http://www.bwacongress2005.org.uk.