Over 1M Christians Plea for EU's Christian Root

Reported by London Telegraph newspaper, a Christian coalition has formed to launch a petition to Tony Blair and fellow European Union (EU) leaders calling for changes to the EU constitution recognising Europe's Christian heritage.

Until now, the group has already been supported by over one million people across Europe. Armed with 1,149,000 signatures the group demands that each EU state publish its version of the constitution’s preamble, with references to God. Petitioners, led by Italy’s International Mission Centre, will now take their case to EU governments.

Anxiety among Christians across Europe has been rising in face of the changing political environment and social settings as the new EU, with 25 countries was formed earlier this year.

Particularly after the signing of the new EU Constitution, which gives no reference to the Christian roots in Europe despite strong demands from the Pope and evangelical leaders, Christians are more concerned than ever about the worrying secularisation of Europe in today's society.

Among all the EU countries, Italy appears to be the most outspoken country in the movement, probably because of its strong Catholic influence. The Pope John Paul II has repeatedly condemned the constitution. He is worried about the declining ethics in society as European politicians have accelerated the movement of secularisation through their legislations and policies that are against Christian teachings.

The petitioners of the movement also claim that in fact most states want some reference to Christianity, but were blocked by France. Valery Giscard d'Estaing, the former French president responded, "I have chosen not to insert the reference to the Christian heritage in the constitution. Rather I appeal to you to persuade me of its necessity."

Euro-MPs voted this week to back the calls for a change in the text. However, a British official said it was too late to change the preamble, although national parliaments could add a "rider" stressing their country’s Christian roots.