'Overwatch' DLC, character update: Ana goes live for PC players

Blizzard Entertainment

Developer Blizzard Entertainment has confirmed that the new DLC character for "Overwatch," Ana, has left the Public Test Realm and is now live for PC. It is expected that the DLC will roll out to the PS4 and Xbox One versions soon.

In the patch notes released by the developer, Ana is described as, "... a battle-scarred veteran who supports her teammates from a distance using a unique and highly specialized collection of weapons." Listed primarily as a support character, Ana has a skillset and gears unique to her class. Armed with a Biotic Rifle as her primary weapon, the new character can either heal allies or deal damage to enemies via long-range darts. Most of her gears and sidearms like the Biotic Grenade also deal the same damage/heal effects depending on who is hit. Meanwhile, Ana's ultimate skill, Nano Boost, gives one teammate near-invincibility, with faster speed, increased damage, and attack resistance.

The new DLC character going live also brought out a new patch for the PC version. General updates, as well as specific tweaks in features like Competitive Play are also included in the patch. Meanwhile, the new update also brings out new hero balances for the existing roster in "Overwatch," and some characters either received skills and stats boost or were nerfed down.

Meanwhile, it seems like Ana is not the last character to be added to the roster, as some hints in the game point out additional DLC characters that may release in the future. According to Kotaku, most of the hints and teases found in "Overwatch" are clues for a new character Sombra, which was rumored previously prior to Ana being added to the game. Sombra has already been teased for a long time, although Blizzard and game director Jeff Kaplan remain mum on whether fans will see the character soon.