'Overwatch' DLC release date, news: BlizzCon 2016 showcases Sombra

A screenshot from the Sombra reveal trailer for "Overwatch"Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard has been teasing the character Sombra for quite some time, using alternate reality games (ARG) to flesh out her story and characteristics. Fans have been waiting a long time for the company to finally reveal her as a playable character, and Blizzard just did during this year's BlizzCon event.

Sombra is presented as a hacker who chooses to use her intelligence instead of relying solely on speed and explosive firepower. As per a report from Gamespot, there are no announcements yet when her DLC pack is going to be launched for consoles and PCs, but she is currently playable in the Public Test Realm (PTR).

By placing in the PTR, players will be able to test her out and help the developers work on fixing bugs and imbalance issues regarding Sombra's abilities. As of writing, her skill kit allows her to teleport, go invisible, and "hack" her enemies to turn off their abilities.

Along with her release on PTR, Blizzard also unlocked her optional skins. While many are just color changes, there are a few that drastically alter how Sombra looks. Some include a Halloween theme and others simply alter the patterns on her clothing.

With the PTR release of Sombra comes the new Arcade mode which allows players to create more Brawls, such as 1 versus 1 battles, as well as a new Arena map called the Ecopoint: Antarctica. Gamespot also reports that the update also comes with a few balance tweaks, particularly for the amount of experience needed in leveling up.

In a report from Kotaku, Blizzard also revealed that the company was not going to use the same ARG tactics to reveal and flesh out the next character that will be added to the game. According to their explanation, they market each character differently based on their characteristics and backstory.