'Overwatch' rumors: Player reaches level 100 one week after launch; Game too easy?


While the newest multiplayer title "Overwatch" has no level cap, players still need to grind and painstakingly build their levels. However, a week after its release, a player has already reportedly breached the 100s in the levels.

According to Polygon, a hardcore fan of the game managed to reach level 100 by playing for more than 92 hours since "Overwatch" went live on May 23. Reportedly, Twitch streamer FenderellaKN averages 13 hours of playtime every day. The industry follower highlights that while "Overwatch" has no level cap, achieving a level 100 this early in the game's release is no mean feat.

Meanwhile, although the game has already released out from its beta stage, there are still some missing features which are expected to go live soon. One of these new features is the Competitive Play mode. Although Blizzard has yet to provide a specific date, it has confirmed that the new mode will roll out this month. Originally, the feature is expected to come out together with the game's release last month, but Blizzard has to go back to the drawing board and redesign the feature.

Designer Jeff Kaplan said, "We've been reading feedback from the community and taking it all to heart. As a result, we've temporarily disabled competitive play for open beta so that we can rework the system and make it better."

"Overwatch" is proving to be a promising title, particularly for hardcore players. According to PC Gamer, Blizzard has already announced that it will take a hard stand against cheating in-game, and the developer is proving true to its word. In China alone, 1572 cheater players have been banned from the game to-date. Meanwhile, other players who found themselves banned due to cheating are also finding it hard to go back to the game, even with a new account or a new game copy.