'Overwatch' updates: video trailer at BlizzCon 2016 reveals Sombra's abilities

A screenshot of the newly-introduced "Overwatch" character, ZombraPlayOverwatch.com

Sombra, one of the most highly-anticipated "Overwatch" characters, has finally been revealed. After months of an alternate reality game (ARG) made by Blizzard, players are now reaping the rewards of their efforts. Now, with her reveal, fans are excited to see what she can offer in battle.

According to GameSpot, Blizzard has been working on Sombra for such a long time that some of the ideas meant for her ending up being used for other "Overwatch" heroes like Hanzo and Genji, with the latter supposedly a slow-moving stealthy character that could backstab enemies.

In the plans for her character, Sombra was supposed to be able to do a double jump. Sombra was also supposed to utilize throwing knives and a dagger which, when thrown, will reveal enemies nearby. However, these plans ultimately ended up with Genji, and as such the final result was that Sombra became a cyberpunk-looking hero with an entirely different set of skills.

Thankfully, Sombra's page on the "Overwatch" website is now online, which gives insight into her weapons and abilities. Her weapon is a short-ranged machine pistol, which has a large magazine that compensates for its low damage.

Her ability called Hack prevents players from using their own abilities and health packs. Sombra's Hack can also disable Torbjorn's turrets, making them easier to destroy.

Furthermore, Sombra has a passive ability called the Opportunist, allowing her to see enemies below 50 percent of their health through walls. She can also be completely invisible to opposing players through the use of her Thermoptic Camo tha doesn't have a shimmer that could give away her position.

According to Game N Guide, Sombra was officially revealed at the BlizzCon 2016 event during the opening ceremony's video. It portrayed her looks, weapons and her backstory. She was a victim of the Omnic crisis, which left her an orphan. As such, she is now recognized as a stealthy character specializing in offense as well as disabling opponents to give her team a great advantage.