Pam Rhodes supports campaign against rural hardship

Songs of Praise presenter Pam Rhodes is backing a campaign to raise awareness of hardship in rural England.

According to rural charity the Arthur Rank Centre, there are an estimated 900,000 households living on or below the poverty line in rural areas of England, including some 700,000 children.

The centre said people in rural communities were being left increasingly isolated and vulnerable because of diminishing local services, the closure of post offices and primary schools, the lack of affordable housing and uncertain agricultural incomes.

It said the problem was “barely recognised” by policymakers and even by neighbours living close at hand to those in hardship.

A three-minute appeal for funds to assist ARC’s work will air on BBC Radio 4 at 7.55am and 9.26pm on Sunday, and again at 3.27pm on March 11.

Rhodes is encouraging people to get behind the centre.

“ARC has supported the rural community and its churches for over 35 years and can make a small amount of money go a very long way - but raising funds when the needs are so great is a constant challenge,” she said.

“There are so many worthy causes across the world - but we are talking about an acute and sometimes hidden need within our own local communities. In particular I think we owe our farming community so much.”

The ARC supports the church in its outreach to rural communities by providing resources and training. It has helped churches to set up facilities like Post Offices in their church halls and housing projects, and provided low-cost equipment to youth and other local groups.

Rhodes added: “Please use this Sunday to think of lonely, depressed or troubled neighbours in your own communities - especially during these long dark winter days when they will feel most alone – and help them by supporting the ARC radio appeal.”

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