Parishioner loses five stone in support of flower festival

A parishioner persevered through a year of exercise and weight loss to lose weight and raise funds for her church's flower festival.

Trisha Hancock was nearly seventeen stone in March of last year. She decided to be sponsored to lose weight so that the funds could go towards St Giles' flower festival.

"I joined Weightwatchers and did more exercise, including going to the gym and swimming, and by the end of the year I had lost five stone," she said.

"I love St Giles and I wanted to support the event by allowing them to buy more flowers. I feel so much better now that I have lost the weight and the years have fallen away from me."

Trisha, 66, is a flower arranger at the church, where she has worshipped for years.

Not only did she shed an impressive amount of weight, she also raised £300 for the flower festival, which starts on Friday.

Parishioner the Rev Dorothy Wilson, 76, who has been heavily involved in planning the event, said: "It will be the first flower festival at St Giles’ Church in 900 years, which is why we are celebrating St Giles’ down the ages. The flower arrangements will be wonderful.

“St Giles became a place of regular worship more than 10 Years before Durham Cathedral so this is a very special and poignant event in the life of this church.”

The festival runs from 13 to 15 July and is part of the church’s 900th anniversary celebrations.

Called Gilesgate down the Ages, the festival will feature floral arrangements that depicting aspects of the history of St Giles church and the local community.

The festival will be opened by Mrs Caroline Welby, wife of the Bishop of Durham, the Rt Rev Justin Welby, at 7pm on 13 July. The evening will include a concert by the Cobwebs Baroque Chamber Orchestra.

Entrance price to this special opening night is £5 for adults, £2.50 for children. The flower festival will continue over the weekend.

Opening times:
Saturday 14th July 10am until 4pm
Sunday on 15th July 2pm until 5pm.
Entrance price for the Saturday and Sunday is £2.50.

All tickets can be purchased at the door and include a programme.