Parliament commemorates 200 years of Scottish Bible Society

Directly following next week's debate Mr Thompson hosted an expansive celebration in the Parliament's Garden Lobby commemorating 200 years of work by the SBS, with speakers including the Presiding Officer Alex Fergusson and a performance of The Walk by Andrew Harrison.

Mr Thompson said: "It is a pleasure to acknowledge the work of 200 years of the Scottish Bible Society. They have innovatively taken the Bible into the world and expanded its reach and understanding across all continents.

"The Bible's message of peace, hope, love and transformation has relevance in all aspects of national life, including family, work, health, education and elsewhere and I applaud the SBS for promoting its use."

He commended the Scottish Bible Society for its contribution towards charitable healthcare and initiatives to support communities around the world.

This year the Bible Society of Brazil will be converting a bus into an on-the-spot medical and dental treatment centre that will also provide a sheltered scripture learning space fostering community inclusion and belonging.

"The work of the SBS is both admirable and commendable and I am pleased to be able to celebrate them in the Parliament with my fellow MSPs from across all parties," he said.