'Part Time UFO' mobile game now available

A promotional photo for the game "Part Time UFO"HAL Laboratory official website

HAL Laboratory, the developer of "Kirby" and "Boxboy" series, launched its first mobile game, "Part Time UFO."

The physics-based object-stacking action puzzle game was released on Feb. 26. According to HAL Laboratory, players are in control of the protagonist in the game — an anthropomorphic unidentified flying object (UFO) that has an extendable claw. After arriving on Earth, the UFO decided to take on part-time jobs to assist human beings by using its extendable claw. The part-time jobs the UFO will have to finish include catching fish, constructing a cheerleader pyramid, preparing complicated desserts, building castles and stacking up trucks with cargo.

Players earn money after the UFO completed a game level, which results from finishing an assortment of odd jobs. The UFO's part-time pay can be used to purchase different outfits (a tiger costume or a ninja getup for example). Each of the outfits players avail of gives the UFO a new look and sometimes, even additional powers. HAL Laboratory encourages players to repeat every stage several times for players to find inventive ways to pile the available objects on their respective platforms. Moreover, an in-game function allows players to capture a photo of their pileups so that they can share their most memorable ones on their social media.

According to Polygon, "Part Time UFO" launched in Japan as "Hataraku UFO" in November last year. It is the new game of HAL Egg, HAL Laboratory's new mobile division. The official HAL Egg website listed hints to help players improve their "Part Time UFO" gaming experience — work fast to earn a bonus, find new jobs to take on, share pileups masterpiece, grab everything and most importantly, have fun.

"Part Time UFO" is available internationally for iOS and Android. It retails at $3.99.