Pastor John Piper guides Christian couples in discerning the right time to marry


When is the right time to get married? The time differs with every couple, and Desiring God founder Pastor John Piper says Christians must always seek God's will in determining their wedding date.

"Try to discern if God's leading and calling is on you to move forward now with marriage. Is it God's time? I know that is subjective and difficult to tell. But is it God's time? And if you sense that it is, then expect God to do wonderful things to make life together possible," Piper says in an article on his website. "And as part of that, pray together. Pray earnestly together that the Lord would open the door for this good thing in your life called marriage."

He also urges couples to consider their financial wellbeing first before tying the knot. Piper says men and women need to be able to lower their financial lifestyles first before they even think of joining salaries.

"Can you really not lower your expenses as a married couple so that you can actually live on the combined salaries? Really? Come on. Do you have expectations of how you must live that make this seem impossible when it really is not? Are those expectations necessary?" Piper asks.

"Your food is not going to cost any more than when you live together, depending on where you live now. You might be able to find a rental situation that is just as cheap as what you both are doing now, and so on," he adds.

At the same time, the pastor does not believe in long engagements. Piper thinks it's "unnatural and unwise" for couples to keep holding off marriage "for various practical reasons."

"It seems to me that, in general, if two single people can make a living and get along on their own, then they can probably make a living and get along together," he says.