Pastor Jonathan Oloyede: The Vision

|PIC1|Like ghostly phantoms in a sci-fi movie, they appeared through the wallpaper of my sub-consciousness. I saw them climbing out of floorboards, over back garden fences and parks. They streamed through swinging doors of Ghetto clubs and pubs. There were tens of thousands of them, and thousands more stretched beyond my peripheral vision. Some had spiky hair, others dread-locks. Some looked fashionable and some looked like nerds. They poured out of school halls and libraries; others stepped out from Banks and glassy corporate buildings. Some looked well dressed, others looked like tramps while strangely enough a number seemed stoned. The more I looked, the more I could see they were from every strata of Society. There were dotted streaks and spots of Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, Chinese but the overwhelming majority were White. There was one common denominator they were all TEENAGERS!

They moved with poise and purpose. Infact their movements despite their gear or state of mind were almost dreamlike. Their eyes flashed with determination and intent. It seemed as if some central internal force was guiding them all.

As I looked, I just knew that they represented the younger Generation of Britain. I heard an inner voice say: "I know my sheep and they know my voice, when I call they respond. Jonathan get ready to help me garner my end time army. They will be fearless and they will be bold. I am calling them out of every man-made and spiritual prison. Nothing can stop this move because the season to perform this has come."

|TOP|As I sat in my office shaken but profoundly moved by this experience, something changed within me. I suddenly knew that Gods children were waiting in their private and corporate prisons, ready to hear and respond to the Lords voice. The overwhelming message that came from this experience was the fact that Britain was ripe for harvest and that young people were going to be catalysts for change.

This Nation needs a shake-up and a divine rude awakening. Have you ever been awoken with icy water splashed in your face? I daresay that’s the kind of wakeup call that Britain needs. This may sound a bit too celestial for some, but I hear a rumbling in the heavenlies over this nation. Great Britain’s visitation is now.

In the summer of 2004, London was swamped with thousands of young people looking to bless the capital in love. There were over 750 churches involved in 34 Boroughs, which were served with hundreds of projects and youth events. The adventure continues in 2005 with creative prayer nights, community projects and Celebrations all over London. This is being galvanised and initiated by young people in places like Havering, Ilford, West-Drayton, Ealing, Richmond, Westminster, Newham, Lewisham and even Didcot! The list goes on and on... I strongly believe that God has only just begun.

If you are reading this and are below 30 then what I am about to say next applies to you. Even if you are not, it is still applicable. In Acts 2:37 the question was asked, “What shall we do?” I suggest very strongly that you get before God seeking to find out where your place is in this coming move of the Spirit. Get your young people fasting and praying, perhaps set up a 24/7 boiler-room to seek Gods face with your Youth Group and friends. It is time to seek the Lord and find Him with our whole hearts. One thing I can tell you, God is coming to England and I can hear His footsteps, coming round the corner!

[Pastor Jonathan Oloyede is the senior Associate Pastor Glory House Church London, the Borough Dean of Newham Council, and the Leader of London wide Mission of Soul in the City London. He is also an Executive Member of the Board of Trustees of the African & Caribbean Evangelical Alliance, a Member of the Values Steering Group of the Evangelical Alliance UK, and a Regular Feature on Premier Christian Radio’s Thoughts for the Day.]