Pastor seminar attacked, police refuse to take action

Amidst escalating persecution and deteriorating security, a pastors' training seminar in Karnataka, India, was attacked by Hindu radicals on Tuesday.

The Christian advocacy group Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) reported that 70 pastors from the state had gathered for the seminar at the Well Water Garden Institute at the time of the attack. Guest speaker Rev Paul SR from Korea was also at the seminar.

"A mob of around 100 Hindu radicals by Rajendra Baby, a local Bajrang Dal leader arrived and disrupted the meeting, abusing and forcing them to stop the session," said the report by GCIC.

The police arrested several pastors from the group following allegations that the Christians were forcing conversions. At least two pastors have suffered minor injuries in the assault by the irate radicals.

"A few pastors requested the District Superintendent of Police, Mr Ramasubbu, to provide security for the Pastors Training Seminar, however, around 7pm a police team was led by Circle inspector Venketaramanappa barged into the chapel, and stopped the evening prayer," said GCIC.

The police not only seized Christian materials and vehicles, but also threatened the pastors not to continue the seminar.

One of the pastors from the group has reportedly lodged a complaint against the activists.

Last month, police arrested a bishop and 40 pastors in Khammam district, Andhra Pradesh.