Pastor Shane Idleman on how people can overcome the pain of regret

Pastor Shane Idleman says 'we overcome the pain of regret by allowing God to rebuild our life.'(Facebook/Shane Idleman)

Pastor Shane Idleman believes that people often overlook the pain of sin because they are enticed by its temporary pleasure, and this is why people later deal with the pain of regret.

"For example, the enemy doesn't show a couple the pain and anguish and the years of regret that adultery brings; he deceives them with the temporary enjoyment of sex and a false sense of freedom from responsibility. If the full story was known beforehand, no doubt different choices might have been made," he writes in an article for The Christian Post.

Idleman adds that sin promises pleasure and escape, but in truth delivers regret and imprisonment. The bad thing about regret is that it leads a person back into addiction, and the "vicious cycle" of sin continues.

"Our private sin will eventually become public disgrace. But there is tremendous hope if we turn to God and encounter the pain of discipline over the pain of regret," he says.

Idleman then explains the difference between the two: "The pain of discipline produces joy β€” the pain of regret produces anguish. The pain of discipline produces peace β€”the pain of regret produces fear. The pain of discipline produces assurance β€” the pain of regret produces confusion."

Idleman says God allows trials so people can turn to Him. When Christians cry "out to the Lord" during moments of troubles, He will definitely save people from their distress.

"What a wonderful God we serve. He warns us about wandering from Him, but when we do wander and experience the anguish of regret, He invites us back. But the invitation is conditional β€” we must come with a broken and contrite heart," says Idleman.

He guarantees that God can break any addiction, bondage, and sin if people only turn everything over to Him. People might still face withdrawals, consequences, or pain, but Idleman says this is better than experiencing the pain of regret.

"Forget your past mistakes, but remember the lessons learned because of them. We overcome the pain of regret by allowing God to rebuild our life," he says.