Game companies Overkill and 505 Games finally announced that "PayDay 2: Crimewave Edition" will come out next month for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
The latest version of the co-op first-person shooter video game will run at 1080p alongside the enhanced frame rate and improved textures. It will also come with all the game's DLC packs and all the content updates like the Big Bank Heist as well as the very first female heister called Clover.
The new console version of the game will also include the contact characters whose voices were lent by "Lost" alum Mira Furlan as The Butcher and Giancarlo Esposito from "Breaking Bad" as The Dentist.
505 Games offered a press release regarding the release of "PayDay 2," saying:
New characters, more masks and brand new perk system bring a whole new level of customization to the experience along with a fifth skill tree for seriously stealthy players. The all-new preplanning stage has also been added, providing everything that perfectionist players need to pull off their dream crime spree."
The game will also come with several brand new jobs and multi-stage contracts, more weapon choices like sniper rifles, shotguns, and grenades.
Players who will choose to pre-order "PayDay 2: Crimewave Edition" from accredited retailers before it comes out on June 12 in Europe and June 16 in Northern American countries will be given the chance to unlock the exclusive digital content dubbed as "Hard Time Loot Bag," which will come with several limited contents.
Meanwhile, the game publisher unveiled the new prices of "PayDay 2" and its DLC, with a significant amount slashed from the original price.
"Heisters, we're thankful for your support thus far. As we continue to develop Payday 2, working on additional free updates as well as paid DLC, we feel it's time to adjust the pricing of both Payday 2 as well as all DLC released during the first 16 months of its lifespan," Overkill stated.
The list of the new prices can also be found on Steam.