Peace Campaigners welcome Closure of Government Arms Sales Unit

The Government has announced it is to close its arms marketing unit following a successful public campaign.

Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) welcomed the Prime Minister's announcement that the Defence Export Services Organisation (DESO) will finally close after months of campaigning by Christians and other peace supporters.

In a high-profile campaign, CAAT and other groups made repeated calls for the closure of DESO, the controversial Government unit that promotes sales for private arms companies, even though it is funded with taxpayers' money.

CAAT said it hoped that with the closure of DESO, "the undemocratic power of arms companies in the UK will be brought to an end".

Whilst applauding the announcement, CAAT made clear that it would closely monitor the implementation of the plans.

CAAT insisted that military exports, which form less than two per cent of total UK exports, must not use a disproportionate amount of the resources of UK trade and investment, which is now taking responsibility for them.

CAAT spokesperson Symon Hill said: "The closure of DESO is a good news for Britain's economy, democracy and security. For 40 years, DESO has used taxpayers' money to promote vested interests, sold weapons with no regard to human rights and endangered the UK by harming its international reputation.

"Gordon Brown must ensure that DESO's closure is the first step towards ending the unhealthy influence of arms companies within Government."