Peaceful Protests Outside Embassy in US Against Arrested Christians in Eritrea

This year increasing persecutions in Africa have revealed that most Evangelical Christians are being arrested, jailed and beaten in Eritrea. It is believed there are about 1000 Christians imprisoned in the country - according to various human rights groups.

During a peaceful protest in front of the Eritrean Embassy in the US, Christians sang and prayed for the freedom of the arrested believers. Director of the Jubilee Campaign, Ann Buwalda, supporting the protest said that evangelical Christians are harshly treated by the African nation.

"The situation there is appalling. There are more Christians in prison right now in Eritrea than any other country. They're in jail for their faith, for reading the Bible and for praying," Buwalda said.

Eritrean Christians in the U.S. are responding to the persecutions saying, "We need freedom. We need freedom!" Said the Eritrean pastor from Atlanta, Pastor Goitom Mezghebo.

The Eritrean pastor from Minnesota, Pastor Mesfun Abreham said, "We're not against the government. We're not politicians. We just believe in Almighty God. And we need the right to believe in God."

The Ambassador of Eritrea explained the arresting of Christians, saying that evangelicals are a disruption to society, and do not belong to government-approved churches.

Faith McDonnell of the Institute on Religion and Democracy said, "The Christians in Eritrea are being rounded up and arrested. There homes are being broken into while they are having worship services," and added, "They're not doing anything wrong. They're not doing anything that would harm the government."