Pelted with eggs [VIDEO]: Ed Miliband hit on head and jacket with eggs by former homeless man in South London

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Labour leader Ed Miliband was pelted with eggs during a visit to East St. Market in South London on Wednesday.

A disgruntled man through the eggs at Miliband after the party leader said, "I am always looking for new ways to connect with voters."

The eggs were thrown by former homeless man Dean Porter and reportedly hit Miliband on the head and jacket.
Porter, 38, was taken away by security, but not before he shouted, "I don't believe him at all. If you are poor, you are considered a burden. All they care about is the banks."
Miliband had been campaigning in Walworth, surrounding by journalists and greeting shoppers at the when the incident happened.

Porter told journalists that he had been homeless on and off for about five years and clearly expressed his dislike for Miliband's attitude towards the poor. "Quite frankly the issue regarding homeless is atrocious," he told reporters.

Miliband seemed unshaken by the incident, later referencing the eggs on Twitter. He tweeted: "Thanks to all at East St Market for the warm welcome today. Can recommend it for easy availability of eggs."

See the video of the politician being pelted with eggs below: