Persecution watchdog embarks on India fundraising trek

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) will be taking nineteen supporters on a spectacular trek through Himalayan India from 13 to 26 October 2007.

Participants are being sponsored and hope to raise £30,000 for CSW's work for persecuted Christians and others worldwide.

The 13-day trip will focus around a six-day trek beginning in the Himalayan foothills and will include the opportunity to meet local Christians and visit a Dalit Education Centre operated by CSW partners, the All India Christian Council (AICC) and its affiliates.

Much of the work of CSW and the AICC in India focuses on protecting the human rights of the 167-million-strong Dalit population.

Formerly known as 'untouchables', Dalits comprise the 'outcaste' group which falls below the four main castes in India's hierarchical caste system.

The caste-based oppression experienced by millions of Dalits involves discrimination, segregation, degradation and labour exploitation, in what some commentators have described as a "hidden apartheid".

Dalits also face forceful opposition to religious conversions.

CSW Supporter Development Manager and trip leader, Felicity North, said, "The six-day trek itself will be hard work but the beautiful views of the Himalayas should compensate for this.

"In particular it will be wonderful to spend time with Indian Christians and to visit a Dalit Education Centre. Overall it is a fantastic opportunity to take nineteen supporters to visit this beautiful country."

CSW's Chief Executive, Mervyn Thomas, said "Our Indian partner organisation, the All India Christian Council, is at the forefront of tackling discrimination, exploitation and violence in India. We are keen for supporters to witness their work first hand and are delighted at the willingness of participants to raise funds and awareness for CSW."