Persecution Watchdog Welcomes India Mishra Commission Report

Persecution watchdog, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) has welcomes the release of a long-awaited report whose recommendations could signal an end to religious discrimination in the system of 'reservation' for Dalits in India.

The report by the Justice Ranganath Mishra National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities was submitted to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh yesterday. It recommends that membership of the Scheduled Castes should cease to be linked to religious status.

Under the recommendations, Dalits - who are formerly known as 'untouchables', and known officially as the Scheduled Castes - who embrace Christianity or Islam would not lose their eligibility for the government's system of 'reservation'.

Reservation is a system of benefits designed as a measure to redress the socio-economic exclusion of Dalits.

This issue is the subject of a case being heard in the Indian Supreme Court. The case was filed in 2004 and challenges the legality of excluding Dalits who adopt Christianity or Islam from the Scheduled Castes.

At a court hearing on 23 August 2005, the government announced it was mandating the National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities to investigate the socio-economic circumstances of Dalits not belonging to the Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh religions.

The commission's report is expected to inform the government's response to the Supreme Court, which is due to hear the case again in July 2007.

Dr Joseph D'souza, President of the Dalit Freedom Network (DFN), said, "This is a long-awaited and very welcome development. Sadly caste is still practised everywhere and the disenfranchisement of all Dalits, regardless of religion, must be tackled. Furthermore, if the recommendations of the commission are adopted, this will be a significant boost for the religious freedom of Dalits, as they will no longer face unwarranted penalties for adopting Islam or Christianity."

CSW's National Director, Stuart Windsor, said, "Legislative obstructions to the religious freedom of India's Dalits need to be tackled, and the Mishra Commission report is a significant step in the right direction. CSW welcomes the moves of the Indian government to address caste-based discrimination, and urges that the recommendations of this commission be adopted and implemented as soon as possible."