PETA calls for apology after Derick Dillard 'cat cruelty' video goes viral

Sledding with friends and family at the Duggar home :-) #smallestsled

A video posted by Derick Dillard (@derickdillard) on

Instagram/Derick Dillard

The Duggars are embroiled in another controversy after a video of Derick Dillard appearing to sled into a cat went viral this week. 

An Instagram video shows the 6'2" husband of Jill Duggar on a collision course with the animal while his in-laws laugh in the background. 

"Sledding with friends and family at the Duggar home," Dillard captioned the video. "#smallestsled."

The "sled" was actually a cookie sheet that Dillard used to slide down the hill. 

The 25-year-old said "Move, cat!" as he walked into frame, then positioned himself directly in the cat's path. His brother-in-law, Ben Seewald, gave him a push, and he slid toward the animal, whose back was turned. 

The camera cuts away at the point of potential impact, and cuts back to show the cat rolling away. The Duggars erupted in laughter, but animal welfare group PETA did not find the video amusing. 

"Might doesn't make right, but that's the message you have sent to scores of impressionable young children and loyal fans," Sarah Withrow King, PETA's Director of Christian Outreach, said in a statement. 

"I hope you'll publicly apologise for your actions, and remind your followers that Jesus' command to 'do unto others' includes all of God's creatures."

The family's social media sites have been inundated with criticism of Dillard's behaviour and the apparent humour the family found in the act.

"Not sure why you thought it would be funny to hit a cat and then post it on Instagram," one commenter wrote. 

"How is this even funny?" another asked. 

The Dillards have not responded to the controversy, opting instead to share a photo of their date night on Tuesday. TLC declined to comment on the controversy. 

Jill and Derick are expecting their first child on March 24.