Phil Robertson blames Satan for backlash on his comments against homosexuality

Phil Robertson blames the devil for criticisms against his comments against homosexuality.(Facebook/Phil Robertson 'The Duck Commander')

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson was heavily criticized after he attacked homosexuality during an interview with GQ Magazine. It was in 2013 when he said that "homosexual offenders," together with idolaters and male prostitutes, among many others, "won't inherit the kingdom of God."

As a result, Robertson was booted out from the A&E reality show "Duck Dynasty" for a period of time, and netizens flooded social media with a lot of hateful comments against him. Now, Robertson is recalling the time he was lambasted for his comments and said that it was all the work of the devil.

"I quoted a Bible verse, and you would've thought I was one of the meanest men on the face of the earth," Robertson said during a guest appearance on "The Joe Pags Show."

"[You've got to hear] the bad news that we're all sinners and we've got a 6-foot hole waiting on us before you can appreciate the good news of Jesus removing our sins and raising us from the dead."

"So, bad news first, but with that particular thing, I never got past the bad news," he added.

During the controversial interview, Robertson was asked what he considered sinful. So he answered, "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men." After which, he quoted a verse from the book of Corinthians.

Robertson said it was a wonder why anyone would choose to have a society that is without morals or values. And he said the world is actually comprised of two groups today - the good and the bad.

"On one side, you've got Romans 1, the ones who don't think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, God gives them over, and the list is rather long," he said. "If you just look around the landscape, we're seeing more and more of it. Mass shootings, thugary, drugs. It's just ongoing."

On the flip side, there are people who are "loving, they have joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control."

He explained that two forces are behind both groups. "You have God and His work through His Spirit in one group, and you have the Evil One, who works in people to do what he wants done," he explained. "So, that's why you see these two opposing groups. That's where you see murder and lies, the Evil One is there."