Philadelphia 76ers Rookie Jahlil Okafor caught up in Boston streetfight [VIDEO]

Jahlil OkaforWikimedia Commons/Ed (AIMG_2162)

Jahlil Okafor is seen by many as the right man in the wrong team but for now he, will have to make things work over in Philadelphia, no matter how hard it may be.

Okafor was, of course, seen as a possible top pick. Unfortunately, the 6-foot-11-inch rookie was passed over and found himself landing into the waiting arms of the Sixers at the last National Basketball Association (NBA) Draft.

He ends up partnering with Nerlens Noel in what seemed like a formidable frontline for the Sixers. But as things stand now, the team may need more than a budding young frontline to get out of the cellar.

The Sixers continue to be on downward spiral and are one game shy of tying the worst record for losing streaks which is a record held by the 2009–10 Nets. After bowing to the Houston Rockets, the Sixers will face the Grizzlies next and their chances against Marc Gasol and company are certainly not looking good.

With that in mind, it seems the frustrations are building for Okafor and this is best typified in the recent brawl he got tied up with at the Storyville Nightclub in Boston recently.

Okafor, apparently, took exception to the expletives hurled at him and his team and ended up in a scuffle with one of the customers who were heckling the Sixers rookie.

Other than the melee, Okafor could be in hot water if he is found to have consumed alcohol. He is only 19 and is not yet permitted to consume such, although that remains to be seen.

No arrests were made at that time, although this adds a dark sidelight to the rookie's NBA career.

The incident is actually the second fracas that Okafor has been involved in. A separate report from bares that the rookie was also involved in a separate incident wherein somebody had a gun pointed at Okafor.