Photography comp winner captures faith in the community

This year's Faith Through a Lens photography competition has been won by a photographer who captured the humble beauty of a small church's baptism.

The picture captures the moment that a young girl from a small Baptist church in the Copperbelt region of Zambia is baptised in a lake.

The panel of judges felt that the image, taken by Paul Verner, best represents faith in the community.

They praised the beautiful composition of Verner’s shot and the way in which it positively portrays faith in a local community.

The competition, run each year by Congregational & General, received hundreds of submissions from budding photographers across the UK.

In addition to an award for himself, Verner’s nominated charity, Storehouse, will receive £1000 worth of photographic equipment.

The panel of judges included iconic photographer Don McCullin, who said Faith Through a Lens underlined the importance of communities.

“The entries clearly demonstrate that community spirit has an ongoing presence and photography is a fantastic medium through which to capture many of the grassroots initiatives taking place today,” he said.

“I have enjoyed witnessing first hand just how well photography is being used to capture community spirit.”

Margaret Slater, of Congregational, said that there had been an increase in entries to this year's competition.

She said the submissions demonstrated that faith in the UK is "diverse and inclusive".

“Through photography we aim to encourage people from all backgrounds, beliefs and regions to engage with the subject of faith and develop dialogue," she said.

“Supporting communities has always been one of our core values and donating photographic equipment to the winners’ nominated groups, enables us to encourage key community initiatives.”