PhotoMission and Operation Mobilisation Spread Gospel in Belgium

Four Christian photographers with PhotoMission, including one Brit, took part in a recent missions trip to Belgium to encourage the growth of the Christian faith in the city of Ghent.

Three US members, Krista Guenin, Julie Robles, and Connie Wragge, and one UK member, Ian Homer, encountered the living God in new ways through a week of rich worship experiences and ministry that included a daily outreach to Belgium residents, international students and refugees.

The PhotoMission group joined up with a larger Operation Mobilisation Autumn Challenge team at the International Community Church Ghent (ICCG) where they worked together on reaching out to the city's residents.

Through the team's presence, their commitment to work together and their individual gifting, nine people served in a catalytic way to move the interest in the gospel forward in the city.

The team worked alongside Leo Proot, senior pastor and church planter of the ICCG who led the team members as they discovered more deeply through their time in the city what it means to reflect the character of Jesus and how this aspect of the Christian life becomes visible to, and in, the world.

The team served each other through daily household assignments, met for worship and Bible study and then applied what was learned on the streets of the city, in small groups held in college dormitories and during a time of worship and fellowship with refugees in a private residence.