The Pirate Bay: Torrent site blacklisted by advertising companies

Wikimedia Commons/The Pirate Bay

According to a report from Torrent Freak, The Pirate Bay, alongside several local pirating sites, have been marked on an advertising blacklist. This is a result of the efforts put forth by Swedish Advertisers, an association composed of over 600 companies, and the Rights Alliance.  

According to the report, this blacklist will prevent ads from the associated companies from appearing on The Pirate Bay's pages and on other piracy websites. 

Other than The Pirate Bay, there are nine websites named in the report:,,,,,,, and, lastly, While The Pirate Bay is internationally used, the rest are mostly centered for local access within Sweden. 

"The aim of the project is to raise awareness," says Right Alliance's Sara Lindback, "so that advertisers/brands donĀ“t end up on the wrong sites and also to try to stop money from legal companies flowing to illegal sites." 

The Pirate Bay is only included in the first batch of blacklisted sites, and the report explains that further batches will be announced. These announcements will help inform other companies which websites they should be wary of or to completely avoid due to piracy or similar illegal activities.

According to the report, movie streaming sites will also be named in the upcoming batches. Movie sites allow Internet users to stream movies without the need of paying a one-time fee or monthly subscription. 

The report did state that many of the ads that do appear on these websites are in the form of pop-up ads, banners for fake download sites, and get-rich schemes. 

Being included in Sweden's advertising blacklist is but the latest issue concerning The Pirate Bay. The popular torrent site was raided several months back, but according to a recent report from Torrent Freak, the people managing The Pirate Bay have finally revealed that none of their servers were actually raided despite them going offline as a method of precaution.