EZTV, Pirate Bay down: Zoink, Torrage, Istole tracker among other torrent sites down after Stockholm police raid

Torrent site Pirate Bay has been taken down after a raid in Stockholm on Dec. 9.

The Pirate Bay, along with other torrent-related sites, have gone offline after servers and computers were seized from the raid.

Millions of users use The Pirate Bay each day, and for the first time, the site has gone offline.

The raid was reportedly carried out as part of an operation to protect intellectual propertly.

A statement from Paul Pinter,  Sweden's police national coordinator for IP enforcement, read: "There has been a crackdown on a server room in Greater Stockholm. This is in connection with violations of copyright law."

No information on the precise location of the raid has been revealed, and no arrests have been reported as of yet.

Police are staying quiet on the exact location of the operation and the targets involved but the fact that the national police IP chief is involved at this early stage suggests something sizable.

According to Torrent Freak, other torrent sites targeted today include EZTV, Zoink, Torrage, Istole tracker, Bayimg.com, and Pastebay.net. 

This is the first time The Pirate Bay has actually been taken offline.

The site's co-founder Peter Sunde, who no longer works with TPB, has called for the permanent closure of the site, according to BBC.

The raid was a result of an investigation that has lasted "for years", leading them to servers located in Nacka, south-east of Stockholm.

Hosting firm Portlane, which has servers based in Nacka, told the BBC: "We can confirm that the police has completed a raid in the facility which where we rent space for our data centre.This raid was not for our company or any of our employees. It was partly directed at one of our customers."