Pirate Bay shutdown? Are the days of the Pirate Bay numbered?


After being shut down last December, the Pirate Bay torrent site has somehow found a way to get itself back up last month. But since then, the site has been encountering a lot of problems ranging from redirection and now uploading problems.

The glitch caused panic among users who initially feared that their accounts may have been compromised or hijacked. As it turned out, redirection problems resulted in users being unable to access their accounts.

For uploaders, many have been receiving 500 Internal Server errors and has resulted in no new files being uploaded since the error message has stopped showing. Though no explanation has been bared, it seems that such has affected users globally.

Being among the top visited sites, it seems interesting to see if the regional Internet Service Providers have a hand with these issues.

Like in the case of the GEDIPE – the Portuguese association for intellectual and property rights, telecommunications operators have been ordered to shut down access to Pirate Bay as they try to do their part in cutting down piracy and illegal downloads of files such as movies, audio files and software.

Though that angle could be a possibility, it is believed that the problem is more of a technical issue considering the change in hosting for the site. Apparently the current people behind the sudden return of the Pirate Bay have moving from one ISP to another and such could be a possible cause for the redirection and uploading glitches.