'Planet Coaster' spring update gives players new rides, go karts, crime

Promotional image for the coaster park simulation game "Planet Coaster"Facebook/PlanetCoaster

The Spring update for "Planet Coaster" has been unveiled, bringing in new features, modes and items to the hit coaster park simulation game next month.

According to reports, the developer is launching a free update for the PC game on Tuesday, April 11. Additional new attractions include three new roller coasters: Steel Hydra, the game's first suspended swinging coaster; Bakasura, an inverted boomerang coaster; and Trident, which is the first of two new shuttle coasters.

Also featured in the update are three extra flatrides: the long-armed ZoZo, a 360-degree spinning Elixir Machine and the Big Wheel, a reimagined version of the traditional Ferris wheel. In addition, players can have a go-kart ride in their parks and create their own unique tracks through the "powerful track editor" feature.

To date, the worst thing that can happen to the game's population is the lack of cash or an upset stomach. However, that will all change when the new update arrives, as it will add vandals and pickpockets to the park. The introduction of a new crime system is probably more interesting than the additional rides. Thieves will arrive at the park to rob visitors of their cash, while disappointed guests may vandalize different areas in the park.

Park owners can address these crimes by investing in security staff and CCTV cameras that will be placed around the area. Players have the option of not addressing the problem, but doing so will cause the guest happiness level to significantly drop.

"A crime-ridden park will see guests' happiness fall along with your profits, but security guards and CCTV cameras are on hand to keep park guests safe and prevent mischief-makers from spoiling the fun," reads an excerpt from the developer's press release.

The Spring update follows last year's Winter update which included new winter-themed cosmetic items, shops and rides.

Developed and published by Frontier Developments, "Planet Coaster" is exclusively available for Microsoft Windows PC.