PlayStation 4.5 rumored to sport faster processor and 4K Ultra HD support

PlayStation 4Sony Entertainment

A report from Kotaku initially revealed that Sony may be developing an updated version of the PS4, currently dubbed the PlayStation 4.5. A new report from Eurogamer claims that the device is real and being developed and the report has revealed what kind of upgrades this updated console will have.

According to the report, the PlayStation 4.5 will utilize a much more advanced APU (Accelerated Processing Unit) compared to the one that the current PlayStation 4 has. An APU is basically a processor infused with the graphics processing unit into one chip. 

The current model of the PS4 has a 28 nanometer (nm) chip, which was designed back in 2011. Since then, APU chips have become much smaller and much faster, with the current chip model sitting at only 14 nm. This means the PS4.5 has the potential of being twice as powerful and twice as fast as the current PS4 model. 

Having a faster APU is just one of the two main rumored features, however. The other involves the capability of supporting an Ultra HD 4K resolution.

However, the report points out that the technology to play games in full 4K resolution is not yet well developed, indicating that the support for 4K resolution might only be for watching Blu-Ray films or streaming 4K-ready content on Netflix and other streaming networks.

According to the report, there are several different models that might be released if the rumors are true. The first possibility is a more powerful PS4, the second possibility is a PS4 that supports 4K streaming with the chance of 4K gaming, and the third is the possible emergence of a PS4 slim model that is the current model but cheaper and smaller, possibly with a few upgrades.

Sony has yet to confirm if any of these rumors are true, which means the PlayStation 4.5 might still be one big hoax or it may end up true but with different features and capabilities.