PlayStation 4.5 rumors: Sony reportedly building a 4K display-capable console

Sony PlayStation 4Reuters

Ever since the 4K display resolution started to become mainstream, a lot of people have been wanting to have it on their devices. It has also been a "big dream" for console players. The PlayStation 4 can, technically, display 4K videos and photos, but not its games. If rumors prove to be true, this is now what Sony is trying to address.

Kotaku reported that the Japanese tech giant is currently working on an upgraded version of its console and the company is planning to have an increased GPU power in order to run games on a 4K level. It also stated that the process was already started with a discussion with game developers.

Incidentally, a small circle of developers present at the San Francisco Game Developers Conference last week was also heard to be discussing Sony's next project. Kotaku sources heard specific "keywords," such as PS4.5, increased horsepower, PlayStation VR and 4K resolution.

According to the report, it is still uncertain if PS4.5 is just a nickname being used by developers or if it's going to be the console's official name. Nonetheless, the boosted processing power and 4K support could mean that games meant for the PS VR can be enhanced.

Additionally, with the onset of VR headgears' availability to the public, the rumored PlayStation 4.5 will be very beneficial to its own VR unit. The PlayStation VR can compete head to head with the PC-exclusive Oculus Rift and HTC Vive gears. Plus, the graphics difference is also the major point between consoles and PC, and if this pushes through, the PC industry will definitely be affected by this rumored project.

However, one possible point of discussion in this issue is the console's price. It is expected that the new PlayStation will be around US$400, that, of course, depends on the upgrade. Will the PlayStation 4.5 be good to go with just an upgrade in its GPU or more parts are needed? Anybody who is familiar with 4K technology knows that a powerful system is needed in order to throw out a resolution that big.

Sony has declined to comment on the said rumor.