PlayStation 4 firmware update expected soon


Microsoft has been busy releasing a flurry of updates in quick succession but now, the company's only competitor in the console wars, Sony, is expected to release a firmware update for its next generation console, the PS4, very soon.

According to information posted on the PlayStation Blog, Fred Dutton, who is the manager of the blog, stated: "I haven't got news for you today but the next update is not too far out. We'll update you here asap."

The last time the company had released a firmware update for the console was back in November, 2014. After the update was officially made available for download, it brought about several features for console owners to take advantage of, such as Share Play and YouTube integration.

The company's executives will be present at the Game Developers Conference, which is expected to kick off from March 2, 2015. In addition to showcasing its Project Morpheus VR headgear, the company will also be debriefing gamers about the future of its gaming console.

While the following has not been confirmed by Sony, it is possible that the Japanese tech firm might be making a demonstration of its latest firmware at the upcoming event.

With Microsoft's DirectX 12 API, PS4 game developers will be given additional performance room in transforming games in to lifelike titles while making sure that gamers do not feel the sting of performance dips due to intensive graphics on next generation gaming consoles. With the latest API, future titles coming on the next generation platform could boast better visuals and a higher frame rate.

According to PlayStationLifeStyle, it is also possible that the console will be receiving an update that will allow gamers to add their custom backgrounds.