Playstation 5 news - Sony unsure if next console even necessary


Lorne Lanning, creator of the video game "Oddworld," recently revealed during the Game Informer Show (via IGN) that he had a conversation with Sony Entertainment's Shuhei Yoshida regarding the Playstation 5 to which Yoshida gave a vague answer that hinted it would be some time before Sony released the Playstation 5.

"I said, 'well, what does the PlayStation 5 look like?' and he said 'you mean if,'" Lanning explained during the show. "I said 'are you willing to say that on a stage?' and he said 'yeah, it's an if'."

Lanning continued to explain that this doesn't necessarily mean the Playstation 5 is completely off the table and that the Playstation lineup may come to an end. According to Lanning, it might be a vague response since nobody can tell for sure what is going to happen in the future.

It was previously reported that Sony is working on an upgraded Playstation 4 called the Playstation NEO and that this may satisfy gamers for some time. Sony is also working with VR technology with the Playstation VR and if VR really kicks off then the traditional style of gaming may no longer be needed, eliminating the necessity of the Playstation 5.

"He's hinting at needing to be more agile. None of us know what the future really looks like, so how do we adapt faster? To me that's the way he was thinking about it," Lanning explained further. "The idea that you're going to be releasing a piece of technology that lasts seven years into the future, I think, is less and less viable."

IGN points out that Microsoft has also been dabbling with their next piece of hardware and have already begun testing a prototype which may become the successor to the Xbox One. According to the report, it is more akin to a PC owner simply upgrading their PC instead of completely replacing their whole rig.