PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two rumors: New consoles might feature AMD processors but no disc drives; earlier release dates expected


Sony and Microsoft are rumored to launch their next generation consoles sooner than expected. Both companies usually release video game consoles every 10 years but according to ValueWalk, gamers can expect the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two as early as 2018.

One of the big changes for both next generation consoles is the power of its processor. It's highly likely that AMD will provide the processors for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two. With powerful hardware, Sony and Microsoft can give developers the option to produce games in 4K resolution. 

While the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can support 4K resolution, it is limited by its current weaker processor. TechZealot claims that AMD will have a processor five times the power of the current Sony and Microsoft consoles.

AMD has also talked about the possibility of providing both consoles with backwards compatibility.

Streaming of console games coming soon?

Another big rumor making the rounds is the elimination of the disc drive from both consoles. In an interview with The Guardian, Twitch TV co-founder Emmett Shear wouldn't be surprised if both consoles focused on downloading and streaming games. 

"The problem is, the seven-year upgrade lifecycle doesn't work in the face of the two-year upgrade cycles for every other hardware platform. ... [Sony and Microsoft are] going to have to change form. You can already see this on both Xbox and PlayStation where there's a tighter upgrade loop for both the operating systems and the games," Shear said in his interview. 

The ability to download full versions of games has been a success so far for companies like Steam as most of the titles' online downloadable versions are relatively cheaper to buy than physical disc copies. 

Sony and Microsoft are the two biggest names in console video gaming. CNBC reports that Sony has sold 30.2 million PlayStation 4 units since its release in November 2013. Microsoft hasn't announced how many Xbox One units were bought as of this year.