PlayStation Neo release date expected to be some time late September

PlayStation 4Sony Entertainment

It was previously reported that the PlayStation Neo or PS4.5, also referred to by some as the PS4K, is real and that it will be able to provide smoother framerates, 4K resolution gaming and more. According to the Wall Street Journal, it is now likely that this more powerful console will launch by late September to early October.

According to the report, the initial details of the PlayStation Neo state that all games releasing in October onwards will need to have a "Neo" option that will allow PlayStation Neo owners to benefit from the higher specs of the console. Owners of the regular PS4 can still play the games in their "base" mode.

It is also pointed out that games launched before that date, particularly in September, need to have a scheduled patch or update that will allow the game to take advantage of the PlayStation Neo's higher specs. The report also points out that the PlayStation Neo will launch prior to the launch of the PlayStation VR.

The PlayStation VR is scheduled to launch by Oct. 31, which means the PlayStation Neo should be out on store shelves before that date. With the given time table it is speculated that this means the PlayStation Neo will launch by late September or by the first two weeks of October.

However, it is also pointed out that Sony has yet to confirm any of the rumors surrounding the PlayStation Neo. The given time table may have already been scrapped at this point and the information should still be taken as pure speculation until the developers make an official announcement.

No games have yet been announced to take advantage of the PlayStation Neo's hardware, but according to Eurogamer, some titles such as "Final Fantasy XV" and "The Witcher 3" will benefit the most.  The former is required to have the "Neo" feature given that it will launch by Sept. 30 this year, right around the time the PlayStation Neo launches.