PlayStation Now Beta prices, games: Cloud-Based streaming rental service launched by Sony

There is good news for PS4 users. Sony has launched the PS Now beta version, a cloud-based rental service, which will allow PS4 users to rent games for PS3.

Without having to download anything, PS4 users can now directly stream games from their system, and so far 100 titles are already available for streaming. There are several renting schemes available: 4 hours, 7 days, 30 days or 90 days, priced at $2.99, $5.99, $7.99 and $14.99, respectively. However, other games such as F1 2013 might be priced a lot higher, starting at $6.99. More details of the rental and pricing schemes are yet to be released.

Given that Metal Gear V: The Phantom Pain is set to be launched soon, PlayStation is keen to not let their users be left behind by promising to include older installments into the list of available titles soon – namely, Ground Zeroes and Ultra Street Fighter 4.

Other titles that are also going to be made available soon include: Dead Space 3 and God of War: Ascension.

PlayStation Now also promises to feature cloud game saves. It will also support other features such as Trophies, friend lists and leaderboards.

So far, there have been no dates yet as to when this will be made available for PS3 and Vita users, but Sony promises another launch at a later date.

However, this service is so far only available to users in the United States and Canada. Other countries will have to wait for further announcement in the future.

Another thing that is worth looking forward to is the promise of PlayStation Now to make this service also eventually available to specific Sony TVs. Eventually, players with Dualshock 3 controllers will be able to stream games on their screens.

So far, this service is still on Beta version, and PlayStation is inviting users to continuously give them feedback on how to improve their services.