Playstation Plus free games February 2016 prediction: 2 potential games

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The announcement of February's PlayStation Plus lineup of games may not be arriving for at least another week, but that has not stopped players from investigating online and finding some titles that may be included in the service.

For what it's worth, it looks like the gaming community's efforts have not been for naught, as they have managed to spot two indie games that could very well be included in the next PlayStation Plus lineup.

The first of the two games is "Crypt of the Necrodancer," a dungeon crawling title that has garnered some solid reviews from gaming websites, Product Reviews reported.

"Crypt of the Necrodancer" integrates a unique kind of combat and exploration system to engage gamers and then provides bonus goodies to entice them to play even further.

"Crypt of the Necrodancer" could be made available for both the PlayStation 4 (PS4) and the PS Vita via the PlayStation Plus service.

As for the other game rumored to be included in the February PlayStation Plus lineup, that title is none other than the tactical shooting game "Not a Hero."

"Not a Hero" was released for the PC last year, and is being launched for the PS4 this time around. The PS Vita port of "Not a Hero" has reportedly been shelved due to budget issues, The Bitbag reported.

It's worth noting that the main reason for why "Crypt of the Necrodancer" and "Not a Hero" have been identified as potential PlayStation Plus inclusions is that both games are scheduled to launch on Feb. 2. Sony is also expected to launch their next lineup of PlayStation Plus games on this date. 

The timing could very well be a coincidence, although recent months would suggest that there is at least some reason to believe that the simultaneous release dates are not by-products of merely fortunate timing.

Players will know for sure if the two titles are part of the February PlayStation Plus lineup when Sony makes that announcement later on in January.