PlayStation Plus news: Games included in January lineup expected to be announced next week

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People who have been waiting for the official announcement of titles to be included in the January list of PlayStation Plus games will have to wait just a bit longer.

Recently, PlayStation Community Manager Fred Dutton was asked on Twitter about when next month's lineup of games might be announced, Bidness ETC. reported.

In response, Dutton indicated that the January lineup may be announced next week, although he ultimately stopped short of saying it was a certainty.

Dutton also failed to provide to an exact announcement date for the new PlayStation Plus lineup, so folks will just have to stay tuned for any further updates.

With Sony holding off on making any announcements for now, fans are left to do nothing but speculate about the possible lineup for the next few days.

According to Push Square, one of the games that could be featured in the January PlayStation Plus lineup is "Hardware Rivals." The main reason being cited for why "Hardware Rivals" may be included in the lineup is the fact that the game is launching on the same day as the PlayStation Plus titles usually go live.

It would not be the first time Sony has included a game in their PlayStation lineup that is also due to launch on the very same day their offerings go live, as that also recently happened with "Super Meat Boy," GameSpot reported.

Aside from "Hardware Rivals," another title being rumored to be included in the upcoming lineup is "Killzone: Shadowfall."

"Knack" has also been mentioned as a possible inclusion in the January lineup, although with no formal announcement as of yet, fans can only provide educated guesses.

With the next working week also set to be brief, thanks to the holidays, the announcement regarding the new PlayStation Plus lineup may be made within its first few days.