'Pokémon GO' cheats guide: everything you need to know about catching and hatching Pokémon eggs

"Pokemon GO" eggs come with various Pokemon when hatched.Facebook/PokemonGO

Pokémon eggs return in Niantic's and The Pokémon Company's popular "Pokémon GO" side-scrolling mobile game.

"Pokémon GO" players will get the chance to get a Pokémon egg by dropping by a PokéStop. But unlike the main console and PC editions of the game, they simply cannot hatch their collected Pokémon egg in an instant. That is why they will not be able to find out what is inside their Pokémon egg without having an Egg Incubator.

One of the things that players need to do if they want to become a breeder is to get several eggs in PokéStops. But the type of egg they will find in these spots vary according to what is available in the location.

They should also get their hands on the orange Egg Incubator that can be used for an unlimited number of hatching. This is different from the blue ones that can only hatch Pokémon eggs for a maximum of three times.

The kind of Pokémon that will be found on each Pokémon egg also varies according to the distance where it is found. According to reports, the most common 2 km Pokémon eggs include the male and female Nidoran, the Krabby, the Goldeen, the Geodude, as well as the Ekans. But the rare 2 km Pokémon eggs could include Slowpoke, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Igglybuff, among others.

For those who capture the Pokémon eggs in a 5 km radius, they can hatch common Pokémon such as Pentacool, Vulpix, Psyduck, Magnemite, Eevee, and Sandshrew. Yet, they can also find other rare and ultra rare Pokémon such as Onix, Seel, Pinsir, tangela, Wobbuffet, Kabuto, and Girafarig.

Meanwhile, those who manage to capture Pokémon eggs in the 10 km radius will be able to hatch some of the best Pokémon, including Larvitar, Sudowoodo, Aerrodactyl, Miltank, Pineco, as well as Snorlax.

Meanwhile, Pokémon Hub reveals that Niantic recently increased the number of rural spawn. This means that players will have a higher chance of getting rare types of Pokémon.