'Pokémon GO' guide, tips, tricks: there are some hacks that do not cause lifetime ban

There are already millions of Pokémon Go gamers around the world. Developer Niantic has announced a ban on game cheaters, though there are still some hacks and tricks available not included in the ban list.Reuters

Developer Niantic has rolled out an update that bans cheaters from its augmented reality title "Pokémon GO." However, enterprising players still encounter workarounds and backdoor tricks that are not included on the ban list.

One popular way that players can continue to use without the fear of being banned is the trick with getting Pikachu right off the bat. New players are usually given the choices for three starter Pokémon from the franchise – Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. However, if players explore "Pokémon GO" right away without choosing a starter Pokémon for about four or five times, the next starter set will already include Pikachu as an option.

Meanwhile, players also try to maximize both Lucky Eggs and duplicate Pokémon. In "Pokémon GO," there are some creatures who have high chances of being caught in the wild, like Pidgey, Rattata, and Weedle. While casual players immediately trade duplicate Pokémon, hardcore fans can maximize the Pokémon for XP in leveling up. Using a Lucky Egg, getting XP is doubled for 30 minutes, and using that time, evolving duplicate Pokémon nets 1000 XP, against the regular 500 XP per evolution.

In addition, another "cheat" that is likely built as an Easter egg by Niantic developers themselves is a custom evolution for Eevee. Naming the Pokémon as "Pyro" transforms the normal-type to fire-type Flareon, while renaming it as "Rainer" evolves Eevee into water-type Vaporeon. A nickname of "Sparky" evolves the Pokémon to Jolteon. There are speculations that Eevee will get at least two more evolutions, Umbreon and Espeon, in a second-gen update next year.

Some hardcore players also observed a pattern for Gym battles that will give higher chances of winning. Known as "FDAR," this involves waiting for the yellow "flash" from the opponent and quickly timing a dodge to either left or right. After which, the player can immediately attack and repeat the cycle.