'Pokemon GO' cheats, tips & tricks guide: The basics everyone should know

A promotional poster for the AR mobile game, "Pokemon Go"Facebook/PokemonGO

"Pokemon GO," despite getting a constant decline in players, still gets more and more updates and new content ready to welcome players back. Those who have been out for a long while or those who want to try it out finally will need to know the basics to get the most out of the game. Here are some useful basic techniques trainers will need to know.

For returning players, there has been a lot that has been added to the game even within just a few months. Since October of last year, Gen 3 Pokemon and several features have been added to the game. Almost all of the Gen 3 has been released and a new weather system has been implemented in the game.

That said, this also follows the usefulness of the in-game radar. When starting out the game, make sure to explore this feature especially near areas where the players always stay in or pass by. The radar helps in determining the kind of Pokemon and PokeStops that players can expect in a nearby area. Depending on the city, region, country, players live in, a simple Google search of clustered Pokemon, or where certain Pokemon usually appear in, have more often than not been documented already.

Even if players do not have much time on specific days, they should at least try logging in as this gives daily bonuses. When hatching eggs, place the shorter distances on the unlimited-use incubator and the longer distances on the limited incubators to maximize them. It also helps to leave the game open to hatch eggs since the character will make a few steps around the GPS location. Note also that players cannot hatch eggs when commuting or moving too fast in general.

Like in the game itself, if players want stronger Pokemon, there are factors such as Individual Stats or IVs that players can improve. It is quite a lengthy explanation of this feature but Google searches will help the players.

There are a lot of other tips and tricks that players can find out. For now, these are some of the basics that players need to know when playing "Pokemon GO."