'Pokémon GO' Generation 2 release date rumors: Legendary Pokémon and trading system to arrive soon?

The augmented reality mobile game 'Pokemon Go' by Nintendo is shown on a smartphone screen in this photo illustration taken in Palm Springs, California U.S. on July 11, 2016.Reuters/Sam Mircovich

"Pokémon GO players are excited to hear that they may soon experience Legendary Pokémon as well trading their collection with their playing buddies. The latest patch released by Ninatic studio showed tale tell signs that the features may go green anytime.

A player went on file digging into the patch and discovered on its source code some words that could be related to features, and possibly be included on the second generation of the game. The phrase "activity_catch_legend_pokemon" has caught so much attention that players are assuming that they will be able to catch Legendary Pokémon. Many have actually grown tired for the lack of these creatures, and have been pleading to Niantic start releasing to the game, The Bit Bag reported.

"Trade_search" and "Trade_Offer" were also discovered and are indicative that users will be able to search their inventory and exchange Pokémon over the internet. This discovery shows that the company is getting ready to introduce this new feature and may come as early as the next update.

The discovery was shared on Reddit so that fans openly dissect and discuss the code. Aside from the trading, gyms, Pokéstops, "Pokémon GO" Plus, incense, and many other things were also discussed.

Interestingly, "Pokémon GO" buddy also popped out from the code, and based on the discussion, many are guessing that a Pokémon can be taken for a walk. However, a user also suggested that it may be connected to the egg-hatching system, that a pop-up will inform a player with regards to the distance covered for a specific walking session. Again these are all guesses by the community and nothing really concrete.

Once these features are included in "Pokémon GO," fans are also expecting that game events will soon happen on major cities on different parts of the world. Once these pocket monsters are fully trained, they can now face other monster competitors and fight each other out, which has been shown on the game's trailer that was released last year.

Niantic has not offered any official word with these features, but "Pokémon GO" fans are hoping to experience them soon.