'Pokemon GO' news: Legendary Pokemon Kyogre enters the AR game as one of the hardest Legendary Pokemon to overpower

"Pokemon GO" adds Kyogre to its Legendary Pokemon roster.Facebook/ PokemonGO

The gigantic Groudon is out and the great Kyogre arrives. The Legendary water-type Pokemon from the Hoenn region is now available for Raid Battles and can be caught by "Pokemon GO" players around the world.

Niantic Labs released a short announcement statement hinting Kyogre's possible location. "Keep an eye out for Kyogre at Gyms near you, and you may be one of the first to catch this Legendary Pokemon," Niantic wrote. Kyogre's rival Groudon left the game on Jan. 15 and so will the other third-generation Legendary Pokemon on Feb. 14 at 1 p.m. PST.

The Tier 5 Legendary Pokemon has a total CP of 51,968 during raids. Given that Kyogre is a water-type, it is weak against Grass and Electric-type Pokemon. The best choice of Pokemon roster to unleash against Kyogre are Raikou, Zapdos, Sceptile, Venusaur, Jolteon, and Exeggutor. Groudon's Solar Beam charge move can also deal great damage against Kyogre. However, Groudon is not an advisable Pokemon to pin against Kyogre.

Many players consider Kyogre as one of the hardest Legendary Pokemon in the game. Forbes even called the "Pokemon Sapphire" star as "One of Pokemon GO's Toughest Legendaries."

Kyogre is indeed a challenge, but not impossible to defeat. Several players already uploaded their videos of them defeating and catching the Legendary Pokemon online.

Kyogre, compared to Groudon, is a lot harder Pokemon to catch due to its width. Video game critics and players both agree that Kyogre is not only tough to beat but also hard to catch. Many players are having trouble with Kyogre's distance, making it hard for them to hit the right spot. Forbes suggests to turn on the AR+ moves to increase the chances of excellent throws.

Kyogre is the first Legendary Pokemon to be launched in 2018. Niantic Labs has not released any new information if it is planning to deploy other Legendaries in the near future.