'Pokémon GO' news update 2017: Current event faces huge issues

"Pokémon GO" experienced a bug in the Grass event that disallowed players to acquire items from PokéStops and catch Pokemon.YouTube/The Official Pokemon YouTube Channel

"Pokémon GO" has experienced a series of ups and downs, with problems ranging from bugs to glitches. Now, the titular mobile gaming app is once again experiencing issues concerning the current Worldwide Bloom event. It seems Niantic really has to do something about these quick.

According to reports, tons of "Pokémon GO" players are having a hard time collecting items from PokéStops. Add to this the fact that they are also unable to catch pocket monsters, something that defies the entire purpose of the game. To get the attention of the developers, the community has taken to various social media sites to air their concerns.

Fortunately, Niantic has responded to the ongoing issue in the Grass-type event. They have already implemented several changes that should, in one way or another, help prevent the issue from occurring ever again. However, the company iterated that there is still a possibility of this issue resurfacing in the future.

In the hopes of resolving the said issues in "Pokémon GO," the studio promised to monitor from time to time. They even urged the community report sightings of these bugs as soon as possible. That way, they can find the root cause of the problem.

It holds true that the "Pokémon GO" Grass event turned out to be successful. Nonetheless, one cannot simply deny the fact that the overall experience was not completely satisfying. Many believed that the problem occurred as soon as the update, which was meant to activate the event, was released.

In the above-mentioned event, BGR notes that Lure modules should last about six hours in "Pokémon GO." This will give players enough time of catch all the Pokémon involved in the current event. Unfortunately, with the existence of these bugs, using the Lure modules alone is difficult to do. As of this writing, Niantic revealed that the issue has been totally fixed; however, as mentioned, there is still a possibility of them resurfacing in the future.