Pokémon GO Plus release date: Device slated to arrive in September; Next update for game leaked

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The Pokémon Go Plus device is scheduled to arrive sometime in September and it is already been added to the next iOS update that will arrive in the "Pokémon Go" game. Fans were able to know this because the supposed patch was leaked online and contains interesting bits of information.

The "Pokemon Go" developers subreddit shows a copy of update iOS v 0.33.0. They were able to dissect and scrutinize the file (datamined) and they determined that the upcoming patch has added the Pokémon GO Plus. This means that launch of the device will push through as scheduled, and hopefully with no more delays, iDigital Times reported.

They were also able to determine that there is a possibility that the tracking feature of the game might be brought back once the device has been released. This feature was taken out because of bug issues. It was not functioning the way it should be, which was discovered within the first week of the game's release. This prompted gamers to look for an alternative to the tracking system that drove the likes of Pokévision to stardom. However, Niantic, the game developer, took out the feature with their next update and brought down third-party apps.

The Pokémon GO Plus is a wearable accessory that will notify its users if a Pokémon character is within the vicinity. It is connected via Bluetooth and uses its built-in LED lights and vibration to alert trainers. The device can also be used to catch those characters, as well as capture items found in PokéStops, all without using a smartphone.

The device was supposed to arrive together with the game but was pushed back. Now, the Pokémon GO Plus is scheduled to arrive sometime in September, as announced by Nintendo last month and will be available for US$35.