'Pokemon Go' releases update to fix problematic EX Raid system

A promotional poster for Pokemon GO's EX Raid.Facebook/PokemonGO

In response to the growing feedback from players regarding the recently released EX Raid Battles featured in "Pokemon Go," Niantic has implemented a number of changes to the game that are designed to improve the feature.

The game developer released the update Tuesday, and shared the list of tweaks that it brought to the popular game. The changes do not require players to update their apps, but instead, the tweaks are being employed on the game's system itself.

"We greatly appreciate all the feedback you've shared with us about the Raid Battle feature over the past few months," said Niantic. "We've been carefully reviewing your feedback and will be making a few changes to the feature in response."

With the tweaks, "Pokemon Go's" invite-only EX Raid events will not most commonly be held at gyms located in parks or other sponsored locations. Niantic is also making some changes in the way the EX Raids invitations are doled out. Previously, the invitations were sent out randomly. Now, the updated system will give active players more chances to get invitations, and therefore participate in high-level EX Raids.

To do this, Niantic will give preference to players with higher levels of Gym Badges, as well as those who have completed a larger number of Raid Battles at the location of the EX Raid. The latter also ensures that players will have less chance to get invited to EX Raids that will take place at a faraway location.

With the update, Niantic is effectively moving the EX Raids feature off of the beta testing phase. "We think each of these changes will have a positive impact on Trainers around the world," the company said. "With the implementation of these features, we'll be removing the field-test label and considering this the official launch of the EX Raid Battle feature."

Only time will tell if these changes will help "Pokemon Go" reach the explosive popularity it enjoyed after its launch last year.