'Pokemon GO' tips, tricks, cheats: improve your hunting results with Catch Chance Calculator

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"Pokémon GO" players will always try something out in order to increase the odds to their favor in catching the rare or powerful Pokémon. Any player will feel exasperated if they catch the same low-level pocket monster over and over again. This is the reason behind the development of the Catch Chance Calculator.

The Catch Chance Calculator is available to use on the "Pokémon GO" Hub website. The calculator is based on the Grand Catch Theory (GUCT), which uses a higher degree of mathematics in order to determine the chances of catching a specific Pokémon. The calculator also takes into account which PokéBall should be used, the throw bonus, and the trainer's level, among others. In layman's term, it determines all of this information through a complex computation of several game factors.

The calculator is easy to use, and it is presented in a layout that is easy to understand. First, the players need to choose which type of Pokémon they want to learn about from the drop-down list. Next, they enter the trainer's level, select the medal bonuses, and choose between a curve ball or a Razzberry. Once done with the required information, players simply need to click or tap on the Calculate button.

The tool's description reads: "Based on research conducted by Gamepress and verified by the reddit Silph Road community, we're finally able to devise a calculator for percentage increases in catching Pokemon. Feel free to inspect the code behind this page and check the underlying formulas to verify the methods."

Meanwhile, since the Halloween event for the game has come to an end, "Pokémon GO" players are now looking forward to the next one, the Winter event. The community is now speculating that if ever Niantic decided to have one, the event will be dominated by pocket monsters that love to be around ice. These characters could include Seel, Dewgong, Shellder, Cloyster, and Lapras, Otakukart reported.

More candy can also be expected since it was one of the things that players enjoyed during the first ever event of the game. The studio could also incorporate seasonal weather effects and seasonal avatar clothing on the next event.

A good Pokémon tracker is also on the wish list of players.