'Pokemon Ultra Sun' and 'Pokemon Ultra Moon': What is the difference?

YouTube/Official Pokemon Channel
"Pokemon Ultra Sun" and "Pokemon Ultra Moon" will be released this November.

Only a few hours left before Pokemon fans can finally get their hands on the newest installment of Pokemon Games, "Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon." Although they are based on last year's Sun and Moon versions, the new installments have quite a few exclusive features. However, what are the main differences between the two?

Prospective buyers might get confused on what version to buy, so "Ultra Sun" and "Ultra Moon" Director Kazumasa Iwao explained the difference. In an interview with Gamespot, he said: "In essence there's no real problem with whichever one you buy, you're going to get a really good experience of Pokemon."

"But one point users might want to consider is that the Pokedex in Pokemon Ultra Sun is based on the Pokedex in Pokemon Sun and the same for Ultra Moon and Moon. So if something the players are really looking for is Pokedex completion, they might find it better to go for the opposite version this time round in order to help complete their Pokedex," he added.

For the "Ultra Sun," several Pokemon are exclusive to the version, which are: "Alolan Vulpix," "Alolan Ninetales," "Houndour," "Houndoom," "Cranidos," "Rampardos," "Cottonee," "Whimsicott," "Tirtouga," "Carracosta," "Rufflet," "Braviary," "Lurantis (Totem-sized)," "Passimian," and "Turtonator."

Meanwhile, for the "Ultra Moon" version, they are: "Alolan Sandshrew," "Alolan Sandslash," "Electrike," "Manectric," "Shieldon," "Bastiodon," "Petilil," "Lilligant," "Archen," "Archeops," "Vullaby," "Mandibuzz," "Salazzle (Totem-sized)," "Oranguru," and "Drampa."

There are also Legendary Pokemons exclusive to each version. "Ultra Sun" has "Ho-oh," "Raikou," and "Groudon" among others; and several Legendaries are found in "Ultra Moon" as well such as "Lugia," "Entei," and "Kyogre."

A new group called "Ultra Recon Squad" will also be introduced in the two versions, although players will encounter different members of the squad depending on the version they get. For the "Ultra Sun," players will encounter "Dulse" and "Zossie"; in "Ultra Moon," players will meet "Phyco" and "Soliera."

Other new characters to be featured in the games include "Team Rainbow Rocket," a new group of antagonists who are composed of leaders from past teams. Additionally, a new surfing game will also be featured.

"Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon" will be the last game installments for the Nintendo 3DS. They will be released globally on Nov. 17. It is important to note that players who purchase the games on or before Jan. 10 of next year will receive a special Rockruff that evolves into the new Dusk Form Lycanroc.