'Pokémon Z' release date rumors: Game to debut in 2016? Five Zygarde forms to be featured

Legendary Pokemon ZygardeNintendo

A release date for "Pokémon Z" still remains a mystery and fans are now eager to know when the hit game will finally be available.

There are different reports regarding the date's availability, but nothing has been confirmed. It should be noted that these speculations should be taken with a grain of salt.

According to a report from Realty Today, the much anticipated game will arrive next year. This coincides with Crossmap's speculation of a 2016 release date.

Crossmap mentioned that the game will be released alongside "Pokémon Go," which has an initial release date of 2016.

Rumors also suggest that the release date for the game will be announced on Nov.15.

Yibada stated in its report that Pokémon director Junichi Masuda will make the announcement during his appearance on "Pokémon Get TV" on that date. According to Masuda's post on Twitter (as relayed by the outlet), he will be appearing on the TV show and speculations about a possible release date reveal started to pop up.

It's going to be a waiting game for fans, and an exciting wait it will be, knowing there are reports hinting at what can be expected from the game.

As previously reported, "Pokémon Z" will focus more on Zygarde and its five forms. Zygarde is said to bear a Core form, which is its basic appearance. This form of the legendary Pokémon is incapable of movement and thoughts.

Moving up, Zygarde will take the Cell form, which now is a telepathic Zygarde, but still lack movement. As the second form of Zygarde evolves, it will now be at 10%, a monster capable of moving as fast as 60 miles per hour (mph) and can use its fangs and movement to initiate an attack.

The next form will be at 50%, and once it reaches its final form, the legendary character becomes a real threat. Reports suggest that these five forms of Zygarde will appear in the anticipated "Pokémon Z."

Meanwhile, the recently concluded Nintendo Direct was expected to bear announcement regarding "Pokémon Z." More updates should flood the Internet in the coming days.